"Where else would you go when you have an ax to grind?"

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Major (General) Dick
"I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is okay to be immoral in any way." -- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Peter Pace

Indeed, I could not agree more. Immorality like this, this, this, this and this has no place in government policy or action. What kind of immorality were you talking about, General?

"I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts. I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is okay to be immoral in any way." -- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Peter Pace.

Just so I have this straight, let me check: imprisoning children indefinitely, abduction and torture (or as they call it rendition and robust interrogation), reading citizens' email and tapping their phones without judicial oversight, bombing civilians, lying to Congress, watching a major American city drown, letting poor kids die from something as simple as a tooth infection, drilling for oil in national parks, punishing the poor while giving more money to the rich -- these things are all okay. But two consenting adults of the same gender doing what consenting adults do is wrong.

Well, at least they aren't litterbugs


JJ said...

WTF is wrong with these people? Unbelievable.

Rev.Paperboy said...

The same thing that is wrong with arch conservatives everywhere - the inability to realize that something they learned from an authority figure (mom,dad, the minister) as a child might be wrong.

RossK said...


So, you're buying the thesis of little Johnny Dean?

btw: you mentioned over at my place that you once worked for Conrad the Marauder......Was your experience similar to that of Ms. Applebaum (ie. did you find it to be a well run newspaper)?


scout said...

perhaps the general would do well to look into his closet.

nicely worded piece, rev.

Rev.Paperboy said...

I never actually worked for Lord Tubby. It was his buying up of newspapers and firing of half their editorial staff that prevented me from finding a decent newspaper job back in the mid-90s. I was stuck at a weekly and trying to move up to a daily, but almost no one was hiring and those that were found themselves deluged with application from experienced reporters let go from the dailies recently purchased by Hollinger. Even trying to move to another weekly I found myself in competition with people who had years of experience on daily papers. He more or less gutted the industry, a process that had been started by Thomson before him.

RossK said...

Thanks reverend.

Started by Thompson and rolled out by the Tubster, but would it be fair, regardless, to call it a Radlerization?
