Hurray for Constable Bubbles. He has done the right thing in identifying fellow police officers who are accused of breaking the law. More cops should do the same.
That it is considered exceptional or noteworthy behaviour for a police officer to report illegal activity when other police officers are involved speaks volumes about the state of modern policing.
"Where else would you go when you have an ax to grind?"
Friday, May 25, 2012
Credit where credit is due
Thursday, May 24, 2012
No bad jobs, just lazy Canadians
“There is no bad job. The only bad job is not having a job.You do what you have to do to make a living.”
-Finance Minister Jim Flaherty
(WARNING: As with most things related to Jim Flaherty, the following is
decidedly not safe for work, unless you work in the porn industry,
organized crime, politics or the media)
‘There’s a group of Canadians who need a nudge back into the workforce.’
-Dan Kelly, The Canadian Federation of Independent Business

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Apparently you can't make a casserole without pepper
How do you get half-a-million Montrealers into the streets when hockey season is over? Pepper-spray them off the terrace at the corner cafe.
(if the title of the post confuses you, maybe this will clear things up)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
holiday Monday is all right for uke fighting?
the original
the cover
For 14 years in Japan, this was my homesickness theme song. I even got to perform it with a local jazz band in my local pub a few times...
Monday, May 21, 2012
Why I Support the Quebec Student Protests
Because this is what the other side does.
My French isn't good enough to follow the conversation very precisely, but that doesn't really matter. There is nothing anyone could have said to that police officer short of a direct threat to their life and limb that would justify the use of pepper spray. And that isn't the gist of the conversation here.
Nope, Constable 728 is just pepper-spraying non-violent people for the heinous crime of getting on her nerves because she can. Because she knows that nothing very bad will happen to her for bullying people to whom she has taken a dislike. My bet is that, at worst, she loses a few days pay and gets very stern 10-second lecture ("don't do that in front of a camera again, 728").
While some are calling the protesting students in Quebec a bunch of spoiled crybabies for taking to the streets after the provincial government announced it was going to double tuition for post-secondary education, I have to admit I'd have joined similar demonstrations if I were a student.
Imagine you were a businessperson with a widget factory. If a supplier you had a four year-vendor contract with suddenly told you it was going to double its prices regardless of the contract, you'd call your lawyers to sue for breach of contract and look for another vendor, right?
Well, in this case the vendor has a monopoly. There are not a lot of French-language universities or trade schools in North America outside of Quebec.
Eventually, another company would come along to supply your widget factory. But students don't have the luxury of waiting around for a private post-secondary education system to arise, they are in the middle of earning a degree or a diploma which has just effectively doubled in price.
And when they complain about it in a meaningful way, when they have the temerity to inconvenience others, the goon squad gets sent in.