"Where else would you go when you have an ax to grind?"
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Rich Sanchez is not amused by Fox News
Friday, September 18, 2009
be careful what you wish for...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Weekend uke blogging
the original
long periods of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror
We are constantly told that the soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are the greatest, bravest, most honorable, competent and professional humans the western world has ever produced. No dares to say a word against them for fear of sounding like they are not supporting the troops, which is, as we all know, worse than eating babies.
Such notions are, of course, bullshit. Pulling on a uniform does not make anyone a saint. It doesn't mark them as smarter or braver or more honorable than anyone else. Soldiers are people, just like anyone else. Most of the people in uniform "over there" are young and I suspect alternately scared to death or bored out of their minds and definitely desensitized to violence. Which is how you get incidents like these:
The U.S. Marines Corp: The few, the proud, the unspeakably stupid.
The Canadian Armed Forces: There's no life like it.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
cough, cough, oink, cough
My seven-year-old daughter has brought the new swine flu home from school. I expect we will all be oinking and rolling in mud by the weekend. Ah, the joys of parenthood.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Half the population is a "fringe group?"

Long story short for those not paying attention: The Stephen Harper government eliminated the federally-funded court challenges program that for years has provided money for people and group initiating test cases to challenge federal laws and policies that violate their constitutional rights to equal treatment. Quoth the prime ministerial douchebag the other day ""Instead of subsidizing court challenges, as the previous government was doing, subsidizing lawyers to bring forth court challenges by left-wing fringe groups ..."
Those left-wing fringe groups have included people insisting on equal rights for women, the disabled, gays and lesbians, the aged, first nations, francophones living outside Quebec --- you know, people who aren't pudgy, middle-aged, anglophone, white guys from Calgary.
As a pudgy, anglophone white guy who is newly middle-aged (Hey, at least I'm not from Calgary - not that there is anything wrong with that) I feel a special responsibility to be pissed off by remarks like this. Just because Steve and his fellow ReformAllianceConservative party members are a bunch of ignorant nitwits, doesn't mean all of us middle aged white guys are assholes. It's bad enough that Steverino has ruined paunch-hiding sweater vests and ten-dollar haircuts for us for all time, but this considerably more serious.
Now, as I said, I'm late to the party on this one, but Alison over at Creekside, one of my fellow ink-stained wretches on the good ship Galloping Beaver, was quick to pick up the rope and start hauling on the sail first set by Antonia Zerbisias, a bunch of others have started hauling too. That sail seems to have caught the wind and the ship is gathering speed.
So screw you Stephen Harper, this is one fringe group I can happily support.

Muffy the billionaire sez...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
"Million" "Moran" March
They can't read the health care bill, they can't behave in public meetings - hell, they can't even count - but they sure are angry. And ignorant. And racist.