"Where else would you go when you have an ax to grind?"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I believe...in weekend uke blogging!

the original

Not even John Sebastian can look cool playing the autoharp. I used to eat in Chez Piggy, the guitar player's restaurant in Kingston way back when and met him once or twice - he seemed like a pretty good guy.

the cover

Julia Nunes - uke queen of homemade multitrack vocals!


David Webb said...

Shouldn't you be doing bits on the CBC and NPR about this "young ladies, youtube, and the uke" meme that seems to be springing up? Seems like somebody should be the go-to-guy for this quirky and family friendly topic. Music, new media, female empowerment...Just sayin' it sounds like a couple of paying gigs for somebody with reporting and performing, and internet chops.

Rev.Paperboy said...

I wish!