"Where else would you go when you have an ax to grind?"

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Canadaville, La.
I've never been much of a fan of either Frank or Belinda Stronach, but I have to hand it to Frank Stronach for reaching into his admittedly deep pockets and helping out people who needed help. And this isn't some kind of self serving non-donation where all the money will have to be spent buying things from the company store, I don't how he gets anything for his $10 million but a warm feeling and a tax writeoff. Nice going Frank, The Woodshed salutes you.

1 comment:

scout said...

o.k., this is a cool thing. but my critical mind said, 'so why isn't stronach doing this in canada where the homeless count is getting pretty high and there's been so many screwed up things like moving a whole northern indigenous community as a bandaid to the kids sniffing gasoline?'.

i almost hate to take away from 'canadaville', but maybe if frank's experiment goes well he'll be more inclined to help canadians.