"Where else would you go when you have an ax to grind?"

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

going prorogue

Sweet pirouetting ghost of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, I take a few days off to go soak in a hot spring and you people let that baby-eating fathead decide parliamentary democracy is a mere inconvenience he'd rather just do without? "L'etat c'est moi," eh Steverino? I'm with Alison, what Rick said, that goes double for me. You don't suppose Mercer would like to take over Ignatieff's job, do you?

thanks to Pale over at A Creative Revolution for the spiffy graphic


deBeauxOs said...

"L'état, c'est moi."

Louis XIV

Rev.Paperboy said...

yeah, that's what i meant to say. I can only plead exhaustion. And very poor French.
thanks deBeauxOs!

deBeauxOs said...

eh. "baby-eating fathead" - that's very good.

Southern Quebec said...

Are you sure about the babies? I was pretty sure he ate kittehs...but who's to say...